Gravestones @ St Francis Church, Fort Kochi.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

1a) TOMBSTONES 1 to 45

Tombstones in St Francis Church reported by Cotton (1905)

In my blog, 'Jewish Monuments of Kerala', I have posted only selected images of tombstones from St Francis church. Out of the 46 grave markers in the church noted by Cotton in 1905, all but the Portuguese epitaph of Margarida de Faria have been traced. According to Cotton (1905), the epitaph of Dutch Commander Adriaan Van Ommen is written on the reverse side of the Portuguese tombstone of Francisco and Lopez Milao, so there should be a total 47 inscriptions on 46 headstones.

In this post, I have uploaded images of 45 tombstones (26 Portuguese and 19 Dutch tombstones) excluding the tombstone of Margarida de Faria. For comparison, I have paired these modern images with the fine drawings made by Pelioth in 1886. In addition, the inscriptions as recorded by Cotton (1905) are inserted along with the images. As you can see some of the tombstones are so faded and illegible that without the 19th century elegant sketches of Pelioth, their identification would have been impossible. 

In the following set of images uploaded, the left panel is the photograph of the tombstone taken recently, whereas the right panel is the sketch of the gravestone made by Pelioth in 1886.


1. DIOGO DIAS (20th January, 1546) Esta sepultura he de Diogo Dias e de seus decedetes ho qual faleceo a xx de Janeiro 546

2. PANTALIA LEDO w/o JOANNA D’ACUNHA (8th February, 1549)Aqui jaz Pantalia Ledo e sua molher Joanna D’Acunha e faleceo aos oito de Fevereiro do 549 anos.

3. MARIA MENDES (14 February, 1562)Aqui jaz Maria Mendes aqual pede pelo amor de Deos hum Pater Nostro por sua alma. Faleceo aos 14 de Fevereiro de 1562 anos.

4. ISABEL DE LISBOA w/o BERNABE MASCARENHAS (1 October, 1562)Aqui jaz Isabel de Lisboa molher de Bernabe Mascarenhas que faleceo primeiro de Oitubro 1562.

5. VASCO FRZ. PIMENTEL (May, 1567)-Governor of Cochin for 3 years and 5 months (1564-1567)
S. de Vasco Frz Pimentel do conselho do sua majestade faleceo em maio de 67 avendo tres anos e smeo meses que...aqui esta cidade.

Nesta terra se agasalhou Francisco Glz Madera  uando a vida acabou Em coanto nella trabalhou. Ispiramdo na deradeira tudo nada se tornou, So’ a sua alma que encommendou A Deos que lire do a gloria para qual elle eriou que tenha delle emoria ainda que o nao agradou. Credo in unum Deum Pater Noster Ave Maria ano de 1578.

7. IOAO DE FIGEREDO (17 April, 1611)
Sepultura de Ioao de Figeredo e do sens erdeiros faleseo desate de Abril de seis sentos e onse. Dezesete=17th

8. DE PANTALIAO ALZ GRACES (23 February, 1615) & his wife GRACIA VRA ( VIEIRA) (8 May, 1628). Tomb erected by his son ANTONIO GRACES VIEIRA in 1629.
De Pantaliao Alz Graces q  faleceo aos 23 de Fro de 615 annos e de sua molher  Gracia Vra q faleceo aos 8 de Maio  e 628 e de seus erdros a q sa seu to Anto Graces Vra  adou fazer era de 1629 an.

Aqui estou por morador esperando ser justificado do meo Christo edetor a qual por mim gran ecador qis more (r) crucificado Estevam Rabello 15.
10. ANTONIO CORTES (10 June, 1616?)
S d'Antonio Cortes e de seus erdeiros faleseo a 10 d. lunho 16.

11. FRANCISCO PINTO D’AZEVEDO (15 August, 1616) Esta sepultura he de  rancisco Pinto D’Azevedo e de seus erdeiros enjo ditozo fim foi aos 15 de Agosto anno do Senhor 616.

12.  MANOEL DE VALE (1631)-THOMAS RETAO CARNEIRO ordered this stone to be placed here in the era 1631. Sepultura de Manoel do Vale e de seus erdeiros e desendentes. Esta pedra lhe mandou por Thomas Retao Carneiro era de seis sentose trinta e hum anos.

13. FRANCISCO GOMES LEITAO & his wife MESBA (1632)Esta sepultura e de Fra. Gomes Leitao e de sua molher Mesba 1632.

14. CHAPEL MASTER (1664)Mestre de Capela da Se. E. 1634.

15. MANOEL PESTANA  (1664)-MANOEL RODRIGUEZ DE LUCENA his great grandson ordered this writing to be engraved in 1634Sa de Manoel Pestana e de seus erdeiros. Manoel Rodriguez de Lucena bisneto do sobredito mandou abrir este letreiro. Anno 1634.

16. MARCOS BOTELHO PEREIRA (1650)Esta S. he de Marcos Botelho e do seus erdeiros 1650.

Sepultura do irmao mestre Diogo Surgiao e de sen filho Pe Nicolao Vincente e de sua molher Francisca de Brito que Dstem e seus erderos 1655.
 Esta sepultura he de Iorge Dias e de seus herdeiros.
Esta sepultura he de Joao Pereira Japao e de sua molher  Cristina Botelha e de seus (herdeiros).

Sa. de Frco Rz de Spinhoza e de seus erdeiros

Esta sepultura he de Madanella Pinta he de seus erdeiros

22. AMAYO DE SOZA and his wife... Sepultura de Amayo de Soza e de sua molher e de...

23. ANTONIO DE BRITO FOGACA and his wife INES DE MELGOZASepultura de Antonio de Brito Fogaca e de sua molher Dona Ines de Melgoza e de seus herederos e decedetes

24. TRISTAM DE BARBUDA and his wife ANNA FERNANDEZEsta capela e sepultura he de Tristam de Barbuda e de Anna Fernandez sua molher e d e s(eus)...

25. FRANCISCO DE MASEDO and his wife FRANCISQA D’ALMEIDAEsta sepultura he de Francisqo de Masedo e de sua molher Francisqa D'Almeida e de seus erdeiros

26. GASPAR RODRIGUES DE SOUZA son of PAOLO RODRIGUES DE SOUZA and VIOLANTE DE BENAVIDES-born in the Island of SAN MIGUEL (AZORES)Aqui jaz Gaspar Rodriguez de Sousa, filho de Paolo Royz de Sousa e de Violante de Benavides, natural da ilha de San Miguel.


1.  SARAH VAN HEININGE (26 October, 1664) w/o LUCAS VAN DER DUSSSE-Fiscal/District Attorney of the island of Ceylon, and the coast of Madure, Malabar. The oldest Dutch inscription in CochinHier rust juffrouw SARA VAN HEININGEN huisvrouw van LUCAS VAN DER DUSSSE Fiscael over Teiland end Ceilons (D)custe van Madure Malabaar (dese stad end verdere onderhorige plaatsen) overleden den 26 October Ao 1664.

2. MINISTER BALTHASAR DE METER (18 March, 1666)BALTHASAR DE METER in syn leven Predicant overleden XVIII Maart Ao. MDCLXVI

3. GERRIT JANSZ DE VRIES (born in Oldenburg, and died on 4 August, 1670; 30 years)-Lieutenant in VOCHier legt begraven GERRIT JANSZ DE VRIES gebooren in Oldenburg in syn leven Lwienandt in dienst den E. Oostindysche Companye in den Heer ontslapen den 4 Augustus ano 1670 in't 30 jaer zyn ouderdom.

4. CORNELIS VOSBURGH (21 February, 1673; 9 months), PETER VOSBURGH (29 June, 1673; 23 years), CORNELIS VOSBURG-II (23 August, 1673; 5 days after birth).
Hier rust CORNELIS VOSBURG obiit 21st Febry Ao. 1673 oudt 9 maenden, en PIETER VOSBURG in den Heere ontslapen den 29 Iunui deselven iaars outgewest 23 iaaren mitsgaders CORNELIS VOSBURG de tweede gestorven den 23rd Aug. int' voorn. iaar 5 daegen na syn geboorte.

5. CAPTAIN BAREND HERMANSSOON (29 April, 1673; 63 years)
Hier legt den ouden Heer Captein BAREND HERMANSSOON Syn deucht manhaften eer verdient tot lof een Kroon. Vixit 63 annos, obiit 29 April Ao. 1673.

6. MARIA BERKMS (17 August, 1673; 27 months and 10 days)
Hier leyt begraven MARIA BERKMS overleden 17 Augusty Ao.1673 out 27 m. 10 d.
7. ELISABETH REYNS (2 June, 167[3]; 2 years) and ESPERANCA D'ABREO w/o HENDRIC REYNS (20 December, 1673; 24 years)
ELISABET REYNS vixit 2 annos obiit 2 Junii Ao 167. ESPERANCA D'ABREO huysvrouw Van HENDRIC REYNS vixit 24 annos obiit 20 Xber A. 1673

8. SPILLARDUS FAMILY. DE VRIES JOHANNES (23 August, 1679; 21 years)  w/o JOHANNES SPILIARDUS, Ondercoopman in VOC (12 February, 1683); and their children JOSIAS SPILIARDUS (26 July, 1673; 8 years) and GERARDUS SPILIARDUS (22 September,  1682; 7 Years).
(Hier leggen) begraven…DE VRIES JOHANNES, JOSIAS en GERARDUS SPILIARDUS zynde de huysvrouw en kinderenvan JOHANNES SPILIARDUS. ondercoopman in dienst den E. Compe, overleden don 23 Aug. 1679, 26 July 1673 22 en Stembr 1682 en 12 en Febr. 1683 oud 21, een, 8 en 7 iaaren.
9. ADRIAAN VAN LIER (12 December 1680)-Oppercoopman/Senior Merchant in VOC
Hieronder leyt en rust d'E ADRIAN VAN LIER oppercoopman in dienst der E. Compe en secunde van Malabar obit 12 Dec. 1680.

10. DIRK VAN LIER (19 December, 1680, 20 Years)-First Assistant in VOC
Hieronder rust en leyt begraven DIRK VAN LIER in syn leven erst adsistent in dienst der E. Compe oud 20 iaeren obit 19 Dec. Ao. 1680.

11. IACOBS SCHOORS (22 July, 1682; 27 years)-Ondercoopman/Merchant and Chief in Cananoor/Kannur
Hier rust Sr. JACOB SCHOORS den laetsten ondercoopman en hooft in Cananoor out 27 iaren obiit 22 en Iuly anno 1682.

12. LEA VANDEKOUTER (29 December, 1688; 32 years)  w/o Commander ISAAC VAN DIELEN; and her little daughter GEERTRUYDA VAN DIELEN (11 November, 1688; 3 years, 5 months and 17 days)
Hier rust jufvrouw LEA VANDEKOUTER huysvrouw van D'E Heer Commandeur ISAAC VAN DIELEN overleden den 29en Xber Ao 1688 out zynde 32 iaren met der eenige uyren en LEA GEERTRUYDA VAN DIELEN haare beyde dogterje gestorven den 11en Novber bevorens oud 3 iaren 5 maenden en 17 dagen.

13. ROBERT LINDZAEY (born, 1640 and died, 31 December, 1690)-Oppercoopman/Senior Merchant in VOC and 2nd Administrator, Coast of Malabar, Kanara and Vengurla; and his wife MARGARETA MINNES (born, 1650 and died, 6 August, 1689); PIETER MINNES (25 December, 1677), Ondercoopman/Merchant in VOC, and his wife ADRIANA COESAAR (16..)
Hier rust d'E ROBBERT LINDZAEY oppercoopman in dienst der E. Compe administrateur secunde over de custe Malabaar Canara Wingurla natus Ao 1640 obyt den 31 Xber Ao 1690 met zyn huysrouw MARGARETA MINNES nata Ao1650 obiit den 6 Aug. Ao 1689. En PIETER MINNES ondercoopman in dienst der E. Compe overleden 25 Zber Ao 1677 met syn huysvrouw ADRIANA COESAART obyt Ao 16.

14. ISAAC VAN DIELEN (25 December, 1693; dies in the evening between 10 and 11, at the age of 41 years, 7 months and 20 days)-Commander-in-Chief, Coast of Malabar, Canara and Vengurla.
Hier order rust d'E Heer ISAAC VAN DIELEN Commandeur enopper-bevelhebber van de custe van Mallabaer Cannara en Wingurla overleden den 25 December des avonts tussen 10 en 11 uyren oudt synde 41 iaaren 7 maenden en 20 dagen Ao 1693.

15. ADRIAAN VAN OMMEN (27 November, 1696; 38 years, 2 months, 5 days)-Commander-in-Chief, Coast of Malabar, Canara and Vengurla. On the reverse side are Portuguese inscriptions of FRANCISCO LOPEZ MILAO (15 May, 1560) and LOPEZ MILAO (24 January, 1565)
Dutch Inscription-
Hier onder d'E. Heer ADRIAN VAN OMMEN, Commandeur en opper-bevelhebber van de kuste Malabaar Kanara en Wingurla overleden den 27 November A. 1696 out 38 iaren 2 maanden 5 dagen.
Portuguese Inscription on reverse side-
Esta sepultura e de Francisco Roiz Milao e de seus erdeiros faleceo 15 de Maio 1560 e de eermao Lopez Milao faleceo 24 de Jan Ao de 1565. 

16. HESTER DULCINA VAN HOVINGEN (4 December, 1727; 49 years, 5 months, 28 days) w/o Commander JACOB DE JONG
Hier rust mejuffrouw HESTER DULCINA VAN HOVINGEN gemaalinne van den E. agtbaare Heer Commandeur JACOB DE JONG obyt den 4 December Ao 1727 out zynde 49 iaaren 5 maandenen 28 dagen.

17. GUSTAAF WILLEM STEIN VAN GOLLENESSE (30 March, 1739; 1 year, 3 months, 25 days) and  MAGDALENA URSULA STEIN VAN GOLLENESSE (31 May, 1739; 6 years, 11 months, 3 days)
Hier rust GUSTAAF WILLEM STEIN VAN GOLLENESSE overladen tot Cochin den 30 Maart 1739 out een jaar drie maandenen 25 dagen en MAGDALENA URSULA STEIN VAN GOLLENESSE overleden tot Cochin den 31 May Ao 1739 out 6 jaaren 11 maanden en 3 dagen.

18. ABRAHAM CORNELIS DELAHAYE (born in Colombo, 27 June, 1709 and died, 5 October 1752)-Senior Merchant (Head of Trading and Administration)  and Chief Administrator of this Post.
Hier onder rust ter saligen opstandige het lyk van wylen den E. Heer ABRAHAM CORNELIS DELAHAYE in leven oppercoopman secunde en hoofdadministrateur deezes commandements gebooren te Colombo den 27 Juny 1709 en gestorven den 5 October 1752.

19. REINER VAN HARN (born in Campen/Kampen, 12 December, 1734 and died 16 March, 1789; 54 years, 3 months, 4 days)-Opperkoopman/Senior Mechand and Chief Administrator of Government.
Hier order rust ter saligen opstandigen het lyk van wylen de welgebooren Heer REINIER VAN HARN in leven opperkoopman secunde en hoofdadministrateur  ezes gouvernements gebooren te Campen den 12 December 1734 oud 54 iaren 3 maanden en 4 dagen overleden den 16 Mart 1789.

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